FirstService mails invoices the 25th of the month for the upcoming month. Payable to "Pinehills Landowners Association". Pay between the 1st and the 10th of the month to avoid confusion on your next month invoice. Sewer calculates on the days of the month of the prior month and will vary. Late fees start on the 30th day following the 1st of any given month. Be aware of weekends and holidays. Better yet, pay earlier in the month.
Payments mailed to:
Pinehills Landowners Association
c/o First Service Residential
P.O. Box 30465
Tampa, FL 33630-3465
If you want no service fees, choose one of the following methods:
- Mail a hard copy check.
- Arrange for a check to be sent from your checking account.
- Go ClickPay and select ACH recurring/automatic payment.
Starting in April, invoices will only be mailed to you if you mail a check or arrange for your bank to send a check.
If you did not receive your January invoice in the mail, we recommend that you go to FirstService Connect and update your record with the correct information. If you are residing at a temporary or seasonal address, you can also go into your FirstService Connect record and add an 'Alternate Address' with date parameters.
To Pay Your PHLOA & Sewer Bill
To Pay Your General District Association Fee
All questions regarding ClickPay (formerly Bill Pay) need to be directed to FirstService Customer Care at 800-870-0010.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Automatic payments that were scheduled for 2024 have been disabled by The Pinehills, as of 12/26/24.
Pinehills invoices include Association fees ($68/month) and Pinehills Private Sewer charges, only. The General District will receive two invoices and instructions.
FirstService Residential effective January 1, 2025.
2024 statements are available on
Your neighborhood district association (HOA, COA) process is not affected by this change unless you are in the General Residential District Association.